General Waiver of Liability

Marblehead Parenting LLC Policies 


Last Updated, 1/21/2025 

By allowing yourself or a child in your care to participate in activities hosted by, sponsored by, and/or taking place at Marblehead Parenting, LLC (“MHP”), 40 Tioga Way, Marblehead MA 01945, (or a designated satellite location) the parent or guardian, or authorized representative thereof (hereinafter “PARENT”), agrees to the following terms, general waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnification outlined below.

PARENT agrees to instruct the child/children in their care and other accompanying adults to follow posted safety signs, rules and verbal instructions, to include but not limited to:

  • Safety & Facilities – Parents/guardians are responsible to supervise their child/children in the open play space AT ALL TIMES to ensure respectful use of toys/equipment, and safe interactions with other children. We want babies and toddlers to feel safe to explore, so we ask older kids to WALK and be mindful of the younger ones.
  • Health – To protect the health of all visitors and staff, we ask EVERYONE to please wash their hands before entering our space. We also ask adults to closely supervise the children in their care at all times, help them cover coughs and sneezes, and to place any “tasted” toys in the designated bins. Please stay home if you or your child has experienced a fever, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, heavy cough/croup, or vomiting within the last 24 hours. If you are not sure if your child is contagious, please consult with your physician.
  • Make-Ups – make-ups for missed classes due to health reasons are encouraged and need to happen before the end of the class session but are subject to availability in other classes or used for open play (make-ups may not be carried over to the next session). See more info about our Health Policy and Cancellations & Refunds Options.
  • Shoes & Socks – shoes are not allowed in our open play space or classrooms. Socks are required for parents but are optional for children.
  • Food – Food is never allowed in the classrooms or open play space, nut-free snacks may be enjoyed in the reception area. Beverages (with lids) and bottles are allowed in the play space. If there is a spill, please alert the staff so we can help minimize stains and damage.
  • Allergy Aware/Nut-Free Facility – MHP is an “allergy aware” and nut-free facility. Please leave snacks with nuts at home or inside your bag. To help protect others please wash hands with soap and water (most effective in removing allergens) or use hand wipes (better than just hand sanitizer which does not remove allergens) after eating and before entering the play space or classrooms.
  • Diaper Changing– Please use designated changing tables/areas and diaper pails for diapering. When possible, please place dirty diapers and wipes in a baggie before depositing into the trash or diaper pails.
  • DO NOT FLUSH – diapers, wipes, diaper inserts, feminine products, paper towels or ANYTHING other than toilet paper in the common area bathrooms.
  • Photo & Video Release – MHP reserves the right to use photographs and videos taken during activities or shared publicly on social media for purposes of instruction, advertising, marketing and promoting Marblehead Parenting, LLC and its programs. If you do not wish to comply with this policy must notify staff and teachers prior to participation.
  • Cancellations & Refunds – As a small business our general rule is that all purchases are nonrefundable. However, as parents ourselves, we understand that sometimes even the best laid plans don’t always go the way we expected. If you find that you need to withdraw from a class, activity or event, please email us for options

The PARENT is aware that activities may include but are not limited to participating in activities and classes which involve singing, dancing, gross motor movement, craft supplies, cooking, food (in cooking classes and in sensory or craft activities), toys, climbing structures, balls, riding toys.  Even when every precaution has been taken to avoid any injuries, any time a child participates in any physical activity, there is a chance of injury and parents/guardians should be aware of this fact.

The PARENT also agrees that while our toys and equipment are all rated as safe when used appropriately by children ages 0– 6 years old, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to supervise their child/children at all times while in the play space, and to use their own judgement regarding each child’s abilities and which activities and equipment are safe and appropriate for his/her abilities and limitations.

The PARENT assumes all risks connected with the child’s/children’s participation in MHP’s activities and represents that the named child/children is/are in good health and suffer(s) from no physical impairment or illness that would limit his or her use of the facilities and programs.

PARENT acknowledges that he/she has had the opportunity to ask questions about MHP’s activities and can make the informed consent given herein. PARENT knows that MHP is relying on these representations and will tell MHP if he or she ever needs further information.

To the extent permitted by law, PARENT hereby agrees to release and covenants not to sue, and to hold harmless MHP and its members, managers, employees, contractors and agents, along with other participants and guests, from any and all liability, actions, causes of actions, claims, expenses, and damages, on account of illness or injury to the PARENT and family members, including their children, or any of their property which such person(s) now has or may have in the future in connection with participation in any activities associated in any way with Marblehead Parenting LLC.


This release and guidelines may also be updated at any time, without notice and publicly posted on our website and on display at our business location. Any newer versions of this document posted online or on display at the business location will supersede any previously signed versions of this agreement.

By allowing themselves or children in their care to participate in Marblehead Parenting LLC activities, all PARENTS/GUESTS/LEGAL GUARDIANS expressly agree that THIS AGREEMENT is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law.